Monday, August 6, 2007

I Corinthians 4

When you are in a right relationship with God, the judgment of men is far less meaningful. This doesn't mean that you are free to do whatever you want, but it does mean that when you do exactly what God wants in contradiction to the will of men, the judgment of men is nothing to fear.

Paul was continually arrested and accused of preaching the Gospel in contravention of the laws of the time. This was wrong by the judgment of men, but right by God. Paul kept his conscience clear by staying on the path that God had laid, and he didn't fear the judgment of men because it was nothing compared to the judgment of God if he had not done what was commanded.

Can you say the same in your life? Do you follow Christ regardless of the views of man? Or are you more concerned with how men will see your actions?

1 comment:

Caci said...

when Ben and I made the decision to move to WA to do mission work, we knew it was beyond a shadow of a doubt what God wanted for us, but many men thought it was not a good thing. We were blessed the entire time we were there and always taken care of, which was a perfect example of God taking care of us for following Him and not giving in to the "peer pressure" from others...including family.