It seems that the world we live in is not that much different than the world of First Corinthians. At the time that Paul wrote this letter, he says that the Jews were still looking for signs and miracles and the Greeks were looking for wisdom. How is that any different than our world where people watch religious channels and read self-help books in search of a miracle and the more intellectual among us debate the finer points of agnosticism?
The world doesn't change. The wisdom of the world doesn't change. And the gospel of Jesus Christ simply doesn't make rational sense. How could a man that lived and died 2,000 years ago influence my life today? It's foolish. Anyone that has any bit of logic in their head has to agree that it's foolish. But those that have actually believed. Those that have heard the call. Those that follow Christ know that His power can reach across space and time and He can very directly influence our lives here and now.
I think it's just amazing to try and imagine the amazing power of God. His foolishness is still more wise than the best we can come up with. His weaknesses are still stronger than the most power we can muster. And He continually chooses to shame our attempts at intellect by turning our thoughts of wisdom into folly. Will you be wise like your peers? Or will you be truly wise and follow Christ?